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Partner with Us

Join us in empowering Singaporeans to embrace a digital life and become part of our vision for a digitally inclusive society.

As a Digital for Life Partner, you can play a vital role in supporting the Digital for Life movement. Play it forward with these contributions that best suit your passion, vision, expertise and resources, and become a Digital for Life Champion Partner by committing to all.

Outreach and Amplify

Spread awareness and engagement by actively promoting Digital for Life initiatives and content to your staff and customers.


Lend a hand with your time and effort to support Digital for Life partners in their projects.

Share your Digital Skills and Knowledge

Contribute educational content, engage with our beneficiaries, and provide training to volunteers to be the catalyst for change.

Start a Project

Drive meaningful change in areas such as Digital Technology and Inclusion, and Digital Literacy and Well-being by turning your innovative ideas into reality through projects that support the Digital for Life movement. 


Support Digital for Life outreach programmes by opening up spaces and allocating resources. Your sponsorship can help expand the reach and impact of our initiatives.

Donate to the Digital for Life Fund 

Keep Digital for Life funded projects going by donating. All donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the government. 

Over 140 partners have pledged their support to the Digital for Life movement.  To find out more on how you can become a Digital for Life Partner or Champion, reach out to us at